Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 18th Life as I knew it changed

"But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. 
I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. 
In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world" 
John 16: 32-33

Yesterday March 18th marked one year after my life changed forever! It was a nerve racking day, a day that would change the course of my entire life, my desires, my needs and my heart for God. After weeks of debilitating pain in my left knee that I though had to do with weight gain from pregnancy it would prove to be something much more serious than I could have ever imagined. Cancer! As the doctors looked me and my family in the face with sympathy he said, you have something called Osteosarcoma. I looked at him for clarity and he proceeded to tell me that Osteosarcoma is a rare form of bone cancer that is generally found in teens who are growing because their bones are shifting. Now I was 24 going on 25 and had been 5 feet for at least 13 years and wasn't growing anytime soon so  I asked why? He explains to me that I am a rare case but it is possible for anyone young or old to be diagnosed with this cancer. The reasoning was unknown beyond Gods yearning desire to use me in a rare way unknown to myself and others, the journey that I was about to take no one could plan for. Lets back track, did I mention that I was eight months pregnant with a beautiful baby girl? The fear of approaching motherhood for the first time while going into cancer treatment was overwhelming but I pulled my boot straps up and decided to fight. I never questioned if I would live or die or if there was a greater purpose for my life because I knew the promises that God had made to me the desires he placed in my heart and the seed he had just blessed me with. That was enough proof for me to have faith in God and believe that I was not just going to survive but  I was going to live and thrive!! Eight months pregnant in a wheelchair and in the most excruciating pain of my life GOD decides to use me. The doctors, nurses and my OBGYN all say that we need to deliver your baby ASAP so that you can start treatment! I take a deep breath look at my family and say okay lets do this and four days later the most beautiful face was looking back at me curled up to my chest and full of everything that I needed. Through this past year my daughter has been the light in my darkest hour the hug that I needed on a hard day and the smile that kept me fighting, kept me hopeful and consistent. She is God's promise, that rainbow at the end of a storm that covenant promise.

One year later I'm stronger, wiser, and happier than ever before, life is worth living and I will never spend another day not living!

So this blog is for you for all my survivors out there who are thriving who are living past your pain your hurt your failures your mistakes and  your health challenges.  Even if you are in the mist of your storm keep fighting, the promise is right around the corner.

"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you." John 15:16